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We're on a first name basis with our artists. Please view prison art by first name. 

I was born in Fort Worth TX in 1988. I'm a completely self taught artist who is still learning every day. I have been a student of art for about 6 years, but had an appreciation for art for as long as I can remember. I began with a homemade tattoo machine, and eventually came to the realization that if I couldn’t draw on paper, I probably shouldn't draw on people either. So I picked up a pencil instead. Since then I have gradually built up a little skill and knowledge across a few genres, and am always trying new styles that appeal to me. I’m still not where I want to be in regards to skill level, but feedback from my peers gives me the confidence to keep pushing. My ispiration comes from everywhere: music, books, magazines, life experience or from within.

Things depicted in my art don’t necessarily reflect my opinions or beliefs. Whether on skin, paper, merchandise, or vehicles, my desire is to create. This is definitely a field I’m looking for a career in. There is no greater reward than seen someone smile at something I created. Thank you for viewing My Portfolio in progress.

Click here to view my online portfolio, where my work is available on more than 70 products

Click here to view this artist's custom Featured Artist Page where you can help him with any amount towards the $35 yearly cost of maintaining the space. 

I was born in 1972 and started to draw by the age of 5 years old. I've pretty much been drawing on and off growing up. Wherever I find an art class, I take it. That way I can learn more about the art world. But when I had children, I stopped art so I could raise my kids. 

When I find time, I draw some. I learn how to use different medium and how to combine them. I like to do different styles of artwork, from cartoons to manga. So I hope you like my artwork and enjoy them like I do. Thanks for your time.

Click here to view my online shop where my latest work can be purchased on over 70 products.

Click here to view Timothy's custom Featured Artist Page, where you can help him with any amount towards the $35 yearly cost of maintaining the space. 

My name is Todd Toomer and I've been involved in graphic design for over 30 years. Before sentenced to prison, I spenr 15 years teaching grapgic design at the high school level. I've designed everything from architecture to vehicles in space. 

My background is in custom graphics, airbrush, automotive design, marketing, illustration, religious art, and digital design. 

Of particular interest to me is photography, marker renderings, package design, technical theater and "skin art".

I have a deep admiration of graphic novels, 1980s animation, and scary clowns. When I am released from prison I plan to re-open my design firm.

Inspiration for my work, both in prison and out, comes from my children, my family, my friends, and my students. 

I hope you enjoy my work. Like it but need something special? Contact me through my rep, Intern Zachary.

Click here to view my online portfolio, where my work is available on more than 70 products

Click here to view my Featured Artist Page where both original and limited prints of my work can be purchased.

6Hey lovers of art. My name Toric Yearby but, in the art world, let's call me Toric Da Artist! I am a Florida native (Hollywood), and the only child of parents who themselves were very talented artists. Both have since passed (R.I.P.).

I first discovered my artistic talents when I was 14 years old as I learned to the barbering trade, placing various designs in my customers hairstyles. In the years that passed, my artistic skills and interests improved as I went through a transformation in reference to preferred styles of art.

About five years ago, I embraced a style of art that humbles me mentally, lifts my spirit above my current circumstances, and brings me great joy and humbled pride in the finished work. Rhe styles of art I have chosen is that of portraits, animals, and lifelike objects, etc. Because I'm gifted with the visual ability and artistic skills to capture facial expressions and the realism of any object, however, my focus is on portraits.

One morning, five years ago, as I listened to Steve Harvey's inspirational radio talk show, I was inspired to create celebrity portraits (CP) under the topic of consecrated people; i.e., those that set apart to represent the blessings of God Yahweh. Purity of heart, charity, leadership, and success by working for happiness and being industrious.

Like the celebrities I draw, I will set myself apart as an African American artist who is distinguished from other artists in the craft of drawing portraits; inspiring others to have courage, determination, and the will to become the person they want to be. The end of this journey may be a thousand miles away, or one portrait around the corner. No matter the distance, I will get there...one step at a time.

To view and purchase my work on over 70 products, check out my portfolio here

Needs redbubble.com profile 

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by Michael Allison, dba the Gallery of Imprisoned Artists
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