

Read about our artists here, then click their name to visit their online portfolio. 

Before my incarceration, I couldn't draw so much as a stick figure. I got locked up and needed a way to make money, so I started tattooing, doing the same generic "death art" you see on so many sleeves. Eventually I started looking at the tattoo magazines.
Seeing all the amazing work that was being produced. Before that, tattoos were just a rebellious statement. But from then on, they were an amazing new way to express myself. 
I started drawing all I could, to make sure I could put out the best art I could. Being a more "happy-go-lucky", I gravitated toward comical subjects and illustration. A lot of my art still contains darker themes, but with a twist that gives a lighter spin. I may live in a dungeon, but my art takes me to a happier place.

I started drawing at a young age, scribbling on my parents walls and usually getting myself into a bit of trouble. I always found myself sketching different things, on and off, through periods of my life. But I never thought that art would ever lead me places. As I became older, the light of art slowly began to fade. I always knew that I was good at creating something magnificent with my hands, but I had so much on my plate I never really had time to sit down and focus on drawing.

Coming to prison has given me that time to finally re-ignite that passion of art I’ve held captive for such a long time. In the past, I’ve learned a few tricks of the trade, and have critiqued my skills to a point that I feel the rest of the world should see. I’m proud of how much I’ve flourished and grown in art, and I am ready to share a piece of what I have to offer.

Click here to visit my online portfolio. Or if you like my work and want to own it on any of over 70 products (like apparel, coffee cups, iPhone skins and more), click here to visit my online shop.

PrisonArtWare.com offers its artists the unprecedented opportunity to own a place of their own online; a virtual gallery, personal space, and retail venue we call a "Featured Artist Page". Click here to view Nathaniel's generic Featured Artist Page where you can help him with any amount towards the $35 yearly cost of maintaining the space.

Read about our artists here, then click their name to visit their online portfolio. 

We're on a first name basis with our artists. Please view prison art by first name. 

Paroled in 2019

Paroled in 2019

Now that Covid-19 is the new normal, check out my work on face masks.  Available now through my portfolio on Society6.com.

Coming to prison is a difficult process for anyone; dark places inspires dark art for the most part, however. Most Prison Art is usually a view from the inside of the mind of what that artist views. It's also been an escape for me, to keep my mind off family, and things I enjoy on the outside. Depending on how I am feeling, my work takes on a more angelic style--other times, a darker approach because my surroundings. It all depends.

I have always enjoyed creating art and focusing on a piece that is original and going to make my viewer sit back and think. I picked up a couple drawing awards in school, then took it a little more seriously; at one point ending up in a tattoo studio for a few years.

Coming to prison brought the passion I once had back into my illustrations, not only biblical art but some political work too. Any message I felt that could be better explained through art delivers a more authentic message and meaning. My mother was a good artist so I felt a need to carry it over. Being left handed seems to grab a different side of my designs. 

The more I draw the more I improve. Being in prison gives you the time to find a meaning for your message through art...maybe because all the time on our hands, or just a way to escape. I felt it important to find something more productive to do than playing cards or watching sports all day.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed  drawing it. Click here to view my online shop.

Your photo here

Your photo here

[Artist bio here]

Click here to visit my online portfolio. Or if you like my work and want to own it on any of over 70 products (like apparel, coffee cups, iPhone skins and more), click here to visit my online shop.

PrisonArtWare.com offers its artists the unprecedented opportunity to own a place of their own online; a virtual gallery, personal space, and retail venue we call a "Featured Artist Page". Click here to view Bruce's generic Featured Artist Page where you can help him with any amount towards the $35 yearly cost of maintaining the space.

Read about our artists here, then click their name to visit their online portfolio. 

We're on a first name basis with our artists. Please view prison art by first name. 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and my goal is to capture life I find is beautiful, from magazines, to other detainees striving to get home. it's my belief that many are guilty, but life can still be innocent. I hope you appreciate my work, and through your generous help, keeps my art alive. thank you.

News update:I was recently sentenced to 120 months and may not have any updates for awhile till I reach my new destination.




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by Michael Allison, dba the Gallery of Imprisoned Artists
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