
Learning Portal (for artist's friends, family, and supporters)

Learn how to market your artist's work while advocating for the re-organized prison arts movement.

We at PrisonArtWear learned very early on, that the very best way to launch a prison artist's career in the outside world was to enlist the help of their friends, family, and supporters (FFS). Testing showed that when a single FFS took a piece of art-infused ware into the free world, not a day went by without at least one person asking from where the "carrier" purchased the item, shirt, skirt, handbag that was emblazoned with art they'd never seen before. The "walking talking billboard" concept has proved itself again and again. 

Further testing showed...

...that when just a little marketing guidance was given to--and put into action by--these FFS's, the "one-a-day habit" grew proportionately; meaning more and more people started asking about the art they were "waring" in the form of a drawstring bag etc. This exposure meant that sales too increased as a direct result of the artist's work being shown in public.

The following...

...videos, art marketing tips and links were created by the staffers at PrisonArtWare.com to help you to learn how to best market the work of your prison artist; all while advocating for the re-organized prison arts movement. Enjoy.

Scroll down to learn:

  • How to Photograph Prison Art
  • How to Photograph Arts & Crafts, and Greeting Cards
  • How to Market Prison Art

For assistance call 909-300-2225

by Michael Allison, dba the Gallery of Imprisoned Artists
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